
Optimizing is all about modifying something. This is to increase the general performance or efficiency. In the world of graphics, it is balancing the size of the file with the quality of the image. These is done by optimizing.

The target destination is where you want your graphic to be located on the network. To do this, you need to have a file where all graphics are saved and create a path so all graphics would also be saved in this location.

Bit depth is the quality of the graphic. Reducing this would ultimately reduce the quality of the graphic that has been produced. Users would need to be cautious when optimizing the Bit depth.

Resolution is the amount of pixels that the graphic contains measured by the length and height. Reducing the resolution of an image would reduce file size greatly but it would cause the image quality to be reduced.

The dimensions of a image can be optimized to change the size of the image and the ratio of the image. This can be used to change the image to fit a certain size for websites.

Intended image output is important so the users knows what dimensions are required for the image or graphic to be able to be inserted into a website.

A company would use optimizing to reduce the size of the files they have so they can fit more content on to a web page. they would also change the dimensions to fit spaces on their webpage. Reducing the quality can also help with reducing the file size.

Source: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/jpeg-optimization-guide/                 Auhor: Jake Rocheleau

The above image is an example of an optimized image. as you can see the file size has been greatly reduced with the sacrifice of quality. This would be the types of compression’s that would take place in digital graphics to benefit the users website (less memory results in quicker loading times).

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