
Optimizing is all about modifying something. This is to increase the general performance or efficiency. In the world of graphics, it is balancing the size of the file with the quality of the image. These is done by optimizing. The target destination is where you want your graphic to be located on the network. To do […]

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Image capture

Scanners Images can be scanned to be saved to an email. The image is copied and sent to the selected email. This is one of the ways companies can get drawn plans onto their email for easier sharing. A digital camera is a device that allows people to record a digital image of a subject. […]

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Colour space

Colour space Colour space is the range of colours that can be produced by the primary colours. RGB stands for the red, green and blue that is present in a colour. Different percentages of RGB make different colours occur. There can be 16,777,216 different colours on the screen by mixing the different ratios together. sRGB is […]

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Bit depth

Bit Depth Bit depth is the number of bits in a sample. This number of bits also determines the resolution of each of the samples. Bit depth’s are used in digital audio. Sampling is the amount of screenshots that are sampled every second. The higher the sample rate, the closer the sound is to being […]

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Raster images

Raster images In computing, a raster image is an image that is created by the use of dots on a grid. Raster images are a collection of pixels that are used to make an image. The image below represents a raster image. The bits or pixels are on a grid that is used to make the image. […]

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Pixels Pixels are one of the most important things in computing. Pixels are very small screen like devices that display a certain color. The more pixels that are present, the more colors can be used resulting in a picture or video that has high quality. Resolution sizes are determined by the amount of pixels that […]

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Texture Graphics

Texture graphics Texture graphics are the actual surface or design of a certain design. Texture graphics are used in many different activities. Game designers use texture graphics to design a world where the game takes place. They are also used on websites for the design of the page. They can also be layered to create […]

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Backgrounds A background is a layer of a design that sits behind all the other information on a website. Backgrounds are used to help create the website’s atmosphere. A company would use background to make there website stand out. Also the background should relate to the topic.   The picture above is of the NASA homepage. […]

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Screen Icons

Screen icon A screen icon is a small icon that is displayed on the screen to represent an application. This can be in the form of apps on a phone or when minimizing a tab on a full desktop (x86). They can be used to help make the identification of an application more simple. It […]

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Logo Graphics

Logo graphics A logo is an image or writing that is unique to a certain company. They are used to help with advertisement. This works as people start to associate the symbol with that company. A logo graphic is a logo that has been animated. The animation would be short just showing something about the […]

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